Philippians Hymn

by Johannes Olearius
translated by Aaron Jensen

Translator’s Preface

This hymn, based upon Philippians 2:5-11, is set to the melody “O Gott, Du Frommer Gott” (CW 459).

Your attitude should be
The same Christ was displaying.
As He in poverty
On this poor earth was staying!
He did not tightly cling
To His glory divine.
He made himself nothing:
A Pilgrim within time.

In servant’s form was made
In action and behavior,
As a poor man displayed,
He came to earth, our Savior.
He humbled himself low
And suffered pain and loss,
Death He did undergo,
Even death on a cross.

So God Him highly raised!
His dying makes us living.
A wondrous name of praise
He now to Him is giving.
This name climbs high above
All others, great or small.
This name of pow’r and love:
Christ Jesus, Lord of All!

And at this very name
Must ev’ry knee be bending
In heav’n and hell, the same,
And through the world extending,
All that He did create
Must speak with one accord,
Confessing small and great
That Jesus Christ is Lord!

Let ev’ry single tongue
Learn to confess it proudly.
My heart, let praise be sung
To your great Savior loudly.
Let glory be outpoured
On Him who the Son sent.
Christ Jesus is my Lord,
Forever praised. Amen!

A hymn based on Philippians 2:5–11.

 Mar 5, 2011